Pyroidea ©


After a few years developing products for the Pyro Industry, and counsious of the changes happened in the last decades, here at Gamon, we found the need to create PyrioIdea as a place to develop new projects with a perspective out from the day to day work, with more radical and innovative point of view. Sometimes., as under a commercial point of view, we start from an ethereal idea to a final design of a part, service or improvement, always under the scope of increasing safety and efficiency.

Due to that, PyroIdea becomes an idea Lab where a wide range of projects are included, whether from the customer or internal. With a conceptual or material purpose, not only focused on a result but to learn during the research labour as this provides more knowledge and prepares us for new challenges, where every idea is considered if that means innovation even when far from nowadays reality.

As becoming and independent area, gets rid of short term commercial purposes or return of investment priorities, letting creativity, energy efficiency, environmental care or cosporate social responsibility.

In addition, forums and meeting will be planned to generate tendencies and ideas within the Pyro scope.